Top Ten: Things I Want to Do With Nemo


Okay, so not really. I’ve been at my dining room table working from home for hours. However, there are a lot of fun things I’d rather be doing than work. Including writing this blog post. Hence, I’m taking a ‘lunch’ break, despite having stuffed my face with snacks for the past hour.


How about another top 10 list? I saw a Harbaugh on Letterman on SportsCenter earlier.

Top 10: Things I Want to Do With Nemo (aka… Things I’d Rather Be Doing With My ‘Snow’ Day)

1) Write on my blog. This is why I took a break to write on my blog.

2) Paint my nails, not-so-accidentally drip polish over any magazine with Taylor Swift on the cover and then giggle to myself about it. She isn’t my favorite celebrity.

3) Snow angels! Snow baseball. Snow tennis? Anyone just want to tackle me in the snow?

4) Invent another meatloaf. Just kidding. Or am I? I’m not kidding. Yes I am. Not.

5) Laundry and dishes. Did I just say that? Wow. Someone mark the calendar, today’s the day I’ve officially been domesticated.

6) Get down with my foam roller. I’d say down and dirty, but I try to keep the floors clean. See #5.

7) Wear stupid socks, silly mittens and hats. Get judged by no one.

8) Bring back Foodie Friday. Don’t worry, that’s going to happen. Ingredients for my own wannabe version of Chicken Cacciatore (aka Chicken Cacciator-ISH) are in the kitchen patiently waiting for me to do my thing.

9) Make hot chocolate. Put far too many marshmallows in it. Refill marshmallows until hot chocolate is gone or the bag of marshmallows is. Thankfully, this condo is a marshmallow-free zone, and my bloodstream has been spared the sugar shock that would have been.

10) Play a game. Eenie Meenie Miney Mo to be exact. (Alright, anyone ever tried to spell that before?) EENIE MEENIE MINEY MO… which of the beers below will be the first to go?


BONUS ROUND: If all above items are completed = dance party.


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