Home Improvement… Minus Tim Allen

Man. I’m in paleo withdrawal. I may or may not have gone a bit nuts and have eaten all the foods I thought I missed over the last week or so. A holiday bender, if you will. Tomorrow morning, normal life resumes and I couldn’t be more excited about it.

In other totally useless news, my microwave died and I conquered this bag of goodies this weekend by turning it into a dining room table with 4 matching chairs:


My kitchen, on the other hand, still a hot mess.


How does this all tie into CrossFit and Paleo?

I credit CrossFit for the ability to lift the oddly shaped box containing part of my new table into my car without having to ask anyone for help. It weighed 95lbs.

I will make lots of paleo food and eat it at my new dining room table. I may even invite friends over to eat the aforementioned paleo food. I will also sit at my table and blog. Like I’m doing right now.


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