Black Raspberry Protein Shake

Just need to set one thing straight right out of the gate… no rubus leucodermis were harmed in the making of this recipe. (Read: it doesn’t actually have black raspberries in it.) This just tastes exactly like the black raspberry ice cream they serve at Friendly’s, which my sister and I almost always chose when ordering up conehead sundaes when we were younger. #nostalgia


After coming home from a bunch of travel (and hopefully ending my downward spiral into CrossFit mediocrity), I finally invested in recovery protein, as to stop feeling like I’ve been hit by a ton of bricks after every WOD. I decided to give Progenex Loco Mocha and the Formulx variety pack a try. Deliciousness and an all-around improvement in how I feel has ensued.

Can you even call something with 3 ingredients a recipe? It was just good so I feel the need to share.

Black Raspberry Protein Shake

Combine in a blender until smooth. Relax, enjoy and be happy about life.



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