4th of July Recipe Roundup

If you couldn’t tell, I’ve been taking a few months off from the kitchen. Combine the chef’s version of writer’s block with getting Lulu & the Box launched, and what do you get? Radio silence.

Here's a picture of Busch Stadium... because what's more American than a midwestern landmark in the background of a baseball stadium named for one of the country's largest brewers?
Here’s a picture of Busch Stadium… because what’s more American than a midwestern landmark in the background of a baseball stadium named for one of the country’s largest brewers?

Welp, a long weekend is upon us! Tis the season to put on your swimsuit, scream ‘Merica at the top of your lungs, drink adult beverages and celebrate your freedom to wear panda bear pajama pants in public… although I hope you rethink that decision and don’t.

Not sure what to make for that picnic you’re having or invited to this weekend? Here’s a roundup of some of my favorites.

Click on the photo to be taken directly to the recipe.

On the Grill


Meat & veggies over fire. Can’t go wrong, unless you get too close to the flame and singe off half an eyebrow. Trust me, I know this from experience


Sriracha Chicken SaladWatermelon Mojito Salad

This is about the only mayo-based chicken salad I can get behind. As for the watermelon, getting fancy and hollowing one out yields a LOT of frickin’ watermelon. Again, I know this from experience.

Dessert & Drinks

Agave Margarita FizzIMG_7372No-Bake Coco Cocoa BarsPB&J Snack Bites

Heads up, the ice cream needs a good 12-24 hours of advance prep time. The other 3 can gloriously be thrown together in minutes.

Om nom nom. I may actually go cook something now. Austin Burgers & Coco Cocoa Bars, here’s looking at you!

No matter what you do or where you go this weekend… have fun stay safe and don’t forget your SPF!


One comment

  1. Reblogged this on Lulu & the Box and commented:

    You’re going to need more than a cute new lulu outfit to wear to this weekend’s festivities. The Occasional Faileo’s got you covered… recipe-wise.


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